Off-site meeting of the World Forum
«New Era – New Ways»
Bishkek, October 6, 2023
The transition to a multipolar world has led to the intensification and deepening of interstate integration processes. Such integration associations as BRICS, EAEU, SCO, ASEAN and others show their effectiveness. Issues of forming new institutions of a multipolar world, the use of alternative reserve currencies and expanding the practice of settlements in national currencies of transaction participants, the use of new trade and logistics spaces and corridors are discussed on these platforms. The initiative to create a Greater Eurasian Partnership has received popularity and support from many states.

Ensuring well-being, peaceful life and a safe environment in the modern world is possible only by joining forces.

Answers to questions related to building a secure common future, mutually beneficial and equal cooperation based on respect for the interests and sovereignty of all participants in international relations can only be found through systematic joint work. The most effective is the format of public-private partnerships of international organizations, authorities, representatives of business, the expert community, public organizations, the scientific community, traditional religions, the sphere of culture and art of various states.

In this regard, the “International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation” took the initiative to create the World Forum “New Era – New Ways”.

The first working event (off-site meeting) within the framework of the World Forum will be held in the city of Bishkek, the capital of the state (Kyrgyz Republic), which traditionally promotes Eurasian integration and Eurasian dialogue.
"International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation" (IOEC)

Bar of the Kyrgyz Republic
Group company "Dictatorship of Law"
(Moscow city)

Hayatt Regency
Bishkek, Abdrakhmanov str., 191, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 720011

representatives of official authorities, international organizations, business and business communities, practicing lawyers, political, public and scientific figures, representatives of traditional religions are invited to participate in the Meeting
Issues under discussion
    • Organizational issues of the World Forum activities “New Era – New Ways”:
    • Development of Regulations on the World Forum activities “New Era – New Ways”;
    • Proposals for organizing working groups, committees, expert councils in various areas of public relations, nominating candidates for their composition.
    • Greater Eurasian Partnership as a center for unifying a multipolar world:
    • Integration of integrations as a new way of multilateral international cooperation;
    • Economic aspects of Eurasian integration;
    • Joint investment and business projects as drivers of deepening Eurasian integration;
    • Respect for traditional values and cultural and historical characteristics of states and peoples as the basis for integration in the Greater Eurasia space.
    • Establishing cooperation between legal communities of different states through participation in the Eurasian Lawyers Association:
    • Exchange of experience and improvement of the level of qualifications of lawyers;
    • Joint implementation of human rights activities;
    • Issuance of expert opinions on legal issues.
Program of the off-site meeting of the Forum “New Era - New Ways”
Registration of participants, welcome coffee
Opening of the Meeting
Welcome words from the organizers and honored guests
Discussion session
(speech time limit 7-10 minutes)
Coffee break
Agreement signing ceremony
Discussion session
(speech time limit 7-10 minutes)
Business lunch (buffet)
Issues of partnership, speaking, participation

Stasyulis Evgenia Nikolaevna
tel. + 7 985 000 77 23