Eurasian Dialogue Magazine
Statement by the editor-in-chief of the magazine
Dear Readers!
Dear friends!
We present to you the first issue of the Eurasian Dialogue magazine. In conceiving this project, we wanted to create a magazine that would become not only a useful information resource, but also a special international platform for dialogue in Greater Eurasia.

The emergence of the Eurasian Dialogue magazine at this very moment is not accidental. We are witnessing tectonic shifts on the world stage: the former unipolar architecture of the world is being replaced by a polycentric or multipolar one, which is why platforms such as our magazine, which actively helps to conduct mutually respectful dialogue, share opinions and assessments, and develop common solutions, are becoming so relevant and important.

"Eurasian Dialogue" is addressed to everyone who cares about the ideas and processes of real equal integration in the world, the development of international mutually beneficial programs and projects, who really connects the prosperity of their states and companies with the strengthening of our common Eurasian future.

The target audience of our magazine is very wide: public and political figures, government officials, experts in economics, politics, law, science, art and culture from different countries.
"Eurasian Dialogue is implemented both as a digital online project and as a classic printed periodical, which is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a special form of information culture.

In the opinion of the Editorial Board of the journal, in our difficult times such a magazine is more relevant than ever!
The new magazine is a printed publication of the International Organisation of Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC) and a permanent information partner of the World Forum "New Era - New Ways" organised by it.
Representatives of the expert community from different countries are widely represented in the events and structures of the Forum, and active discussions are held on the margins of the Forum on the whole spectrum of the current international agenda.
Eurasian Dialogue will cover the Forum's events, the activities of its committees and expert bodies, as well as the initiatives and decisions taken.
Dear readers, your participation in the magazine's projects is also important to us.

We will try to make sure that the topics raised by Eurasian Dialogue are interesting to you, and then our dialogue with you will certainly be long and mutually useful.
We wish you success in all your endeavours.

Dmitry Stasiulis,
Chairman of the Editorial Board,
Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Dialogue magazine
About Eurasian Dialogue magazine
Eurasian Dialogue magazine - is a new publishing project of the International Organisation of Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC).

The magazine is the main information partner of the World Forum "New Era - New Ways".

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the issues of international business cooperation in today's changing world, harmonisation of legal standards, key areas of interaction between government, business and public structures, including within the framework of such associations as EAEU, SCO, BRICS, ASEAN.

The magazine is published quarterly in Russian and English in printed and electronic form.
"Eurasian Dialogue is distributed at the most important events of the OEU and partners, at other major international forums, as well as through targeted mailings.
The magazine "Eurasian Dialogue" is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), registration certificate: PI No. FS77-87057 dated 26.03.2024 and in the National ISSN Center, certificate dated 02.04.2024, ISSN number 3034-2120.

The format of the publication is A4, circulation - 3000 copies.
Publication schedule of the journals in 2024:
- 15 April 2024
- 15 August 2024
- 15 December 2024.

We offer placement of publications and advertising in the magazine "Eurasian Dialogue".
The price for placement in the magazine is available on request.

We count on the interest to our edition and on the fact that our creative cooperation will start a fruitful long-term partnership.

Magazine"Eurasian Dialogue" №2 august 2024
Online version of the first issue of Eurasian Dialogue magazine
A new publishing project - the magazine "Eurasian Dialogue" is being implemented by the International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC) since April 2024.
Editorial Board of the magazine
Chairman of the Editorial Board
  • President of the International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC), Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Dialogue magazine
Members of the Editorial Board
  • Belyaninov Andrey Yuryevich
    Secretary General of the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia
  • President of the Group of Companies “Diktatura zakona”
    Executive Director of the Kyrgyz-Russian Business Council
    President of the Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
    Counsellor of the Office of the Chairman of the Executive Committee - CIS Executive Secretary
    Director, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.
    General director of the “SLC-Rus” holding
    Vice-President for Financial Policy and Sector Development of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
    Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Issues
    Member of the Management Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Head of the Centre for International Projects and Programmes of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Contact details of the editorial board of the IOEC magazine
Moscow, Verkhnyaya Radischevskaya, 3, bldg. 2
Tel. +7 985 000-77-23

EDITOR-in-Chief - Dmitry Stasyulis
CHIEF EDITOR - Svetlana Orlova