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XXVIII International Forum-Exhibition “Russian Industrialist” November 26-28, 2024 Saint-Petersburg, ExpoForum ICEC

The large-scale federal-level event, the XXVIII International Forum-Exhibition “Russian Industrialist” will be held in Saint-Petersburg, on November 26-28, 2024.

The Forum is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Order of the First Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Manturov D.V. No 7432-П9-МД dated of the 18th of May, 2024.

Traditionally the Forum is co-organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and the Government of Saint-Petersburg.

More than 35 000 managers and specialists of leading industrial enterprises, representatives of science and government from more than 40 regions of the Russian Federation and 30 countries will attend the event.

The theme of the Forum 2024 is “Industrial Policy: technological development and human resources”.
The International Forum-Exhibition “Russian Industrialist” is a federal platform that brings together the top managers of the enterprises, companies and associations of leading industries to interact with the state, technology companies, finance sector, scientific organizations, small- and medium size business and international partners. It is an event for professionals and experts, whom the development of the country, industrial policy and, as a result, the implementation of the national development goals depends on.

The Forum Program is formed to discuss the issues of the industrial development, automation, advanced development technologies, HR policy, issues connecting with the health and safety of personnel, young entrepreneurship and international industrial cooperation.

The events for different professional associations and unions, companies, both Russian and international, and development institutions (machinery tool industry, metal working industry, mining industry, composite cluster, power industry, unmanned technology and etc.), were planned as a part of the Business Program.

Business and Exhibition Programs are formed in accordance with the key tracks:
• Industrial cooperation
• Regional advanced development
• Industrial infrastructure
• Development of high technologies
• International cooperation
• Intersectoral cooperation
• Human Resources

The Forum will be attended by the representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the heads of the regions of the Russian Federation, the owners and top managers of Russian companies, heads of business associations and unions, large industrial enterprises, small- and medium-sized businesses, international delegations from China, India, Turkey, Indonesia, UAE, countries from Africa and Latin America.

More than 400 Russian and foreign companies will demonstrate the latest developments in machinery tool industry, metal working and machinery industries, mining industry, radio electronics, IT, robotics and the others. The Exposition will bring together the stands of the systemic companies, regions of the Russian Federation, industrial blocks, stands of the partner-countries and development institutions.

As a part of the Business Program over 140 events of various format will be arranged, as follows: panel discussions, round tables, international business-dialogues, meetings of the industrial associations, conferences and strategic sessions. The events will be supported and attended by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, commissions and committees of the Russian Union of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Government of Saint-Petersburg and leading business mass media agencies.

The Forum Program includes the Final of the Championship “Professionals” (among the young specialists and workers), award ceremony “For the Quality of Goods”, “Industry Leader”, “High Technology Leader”, Partner Events, the special program of the industrial tourism “Saint-Petersburg is the industrial and cultural capital” (excursions to the leading enterprises of the city and region).

The Forum-Exhibition provides an opportunity to enter the promising markets and conclude the profitable contracts, influence the key trends and directions of industry development.
To make your participation effective you can either participate with a stand, or hold an own business event, or become a Partner of the event, or make a presentation, or book a meeting room for individual meetings or hold a ceremony for signing agreements.
Be at the center of the industrial innovations, exchange your experience with other participants, find the new ways for development of your business.

Join the Forum of Leaders “Russian Industrialist” in Saint-Petersburg, ExpoForum ICEC, on November 26-28, 2024!

To get more information about the options of participation in the Forum-Exhibition “Russian Industrialist 2024, please, call or write by the following link

Contact person:
Marina Barova
tel: +7 (917) 110-85-95

The actual information about the Forum you can find on the official site.

The information partner of the Forum is the IOEC magazine "Eurasian Dialogue".